“Whether you’re a Fortune 500 or dreaming of becoming one…

Direct Match Media will help you achieve your online marketing goals.”

Ben Cook
Founder & President
Direct Match Media

Step 1

The SEO/Marketing Audit

Our SEO Audit offers a comprehensive review of your site for both on-page and off-page ranking factors as well as an assessment of the competitive landscape for your targeted search terms and phrases.

Whether you're up against local competition or a national business competing for the same share of search engine traffic, your SEO Audit will let you know exactly how you stack up.

And don’t worry. While the language of your written audit will be technical enough that any web professional will be able to act on it, an in-depth consulting session is also included where we'll translate it all out of “geek speak” and into every day language you can understand.

Featured Speaker At:

Direct Match Media founder Ben Cook is a regular speaker at national and national marketing conferences

If you don't know where
you're going,
you might not get there.

Yogi Berra

Step 2

Measurable Marketing Results

Based upon your audit results, Direct Match will recommend a PPC (paid search) strategy to immediately begin driving targetted traffic to your site that will generate additional conversions as well as provide additional data to inform your long-term SEO (organic search) strategy.

And since we tie our metrics and reporting to your return on investment, you’ll always know exactly how much revenue your campaigns are generating.

Your Next Step

Contact Us

There are few things we enjoy talking about more than internet marketing.

While that might make for boring dinner party conversation, it means we’re more than happy to provide you a free online marketing consultation.

If we can help, we’ll let you know. If we can’t, we’ll let you know that too. So go ahead and give us a call or fill out the form to the right.

Contact us

Direct Match Media – Strike Anywhere Online